First written & published on 4th December 2020
I'm always looking for new ideas based on the old ways and it was with this in mind that I decided to make Witch Balls with different properties and purposes.
The origins of Witch Balls date back to Pagan times when they were originally created to ward off any evil spirits that may enter the home, they were usually hung in an East facing window and contained shiny threads and colours that would attract the evil spirit who would then become trapped within the ball, it's power would diminish and in time it would dissipate completely. Although these balls were often attractive to look at, their purpose was purely functional.

Many people still use Witch Balls today to ward off negative energy, but they are created in part to look as attractive as possible, being an ornament first and foremost. I came up with the idea of creating Witch Balls using ingredients whose properties would boost a particular purpose.
I am also very interested in colour and how different colours can affect us on an energetic level, this ties in well with the Chakras as each one resonates with particular colours. I absolutely love herbs, flowers and crystals too – my garden is as important to me as my house and that is full of crystals in every shape and size - so I came up with the idea of blending my pagan beliefs with my love of colours and crystals.

In my shop there are a number of Witch Balls (Spell Balls) to choose from, but I can create something more personal to your needs and even blend beliefs too – I recently made an Angel Ball for a friend.