We have all experienced that one person who we’ve just felt really uncomfortable with - on the surface they seemed nice, but you always had this niggling feeling whenever they were around and it made you want to get away. Perhaps you noticed how drained you felt after spending time in their company or you didn’t want to answer the phone when they called. It isn’t always obvious at first and you find yourself making excuses not to see them, but you’re not completely sure why. You may start questioning yourself and asking if you’re being unkind or unfair. But that niggling feeling persists … chances are you’re dealing with an Energy Vampire!
An Energy Vampire is someone who sees your light and wants it for themselves because they are full of so much darkness. This person isn’t necessarily a really bad individual, but they will have some dark traits. Often times they are not even aware of what they’re doing, but just as a Vampire drains your blood, they will drain your energy and leave you depleted… if you let them.
We are all made up of energy and that energy is shaped by our souls, our personalities, it radiates out from within, and this is what’s known as our aura, the energy field around our physical bodies. Many people can see another’s aura and pick out the colours in it, others can sense them, and you can even have your aura photographed so you can see the colours for yourself – I highly recommend having this done as it can tell you so much about yourself. I will write about auras more another time, but if you’re interested you may want to visit Angelic Encounters Aura Imaging on Facebook.
An Energy Vampire, often subconsciously, can sense all those colours in your aura and all the positivity, and will be instinctively drawn to them. Their own aura may have holes and be made up of many negative/dark aspects and they desire to fill in the gaps, to feel more positive, and your aura is perfect for the task! Simply sharing space with such people is enough to drain you because as your auras merge they steal your positive energy and leave you drained and feeling rather negative. The obvious solution is to stay away from people that make you feel uneasy or drained, indeed I have been a victim of this myself and had to remove that person from my life, but it’s not always that simple - is it ever – the person might be part of a group of friends or even a family member and therefore difficult to avoid. This is when protection comes into its own – it’s something that is useful to practice when you’re going to be among a lot of people, particularly people you don’t know or don’t like. There are a number of techniques you can use, but I like the following simple ones and find them very effective ….
Sit quietly and imagine wearing a large cloak, this cloak offers protection from negative energies and therefore energy vampires, pull the hood up over your head and feel safe and protected, nothing can penetrate it. Alternatively, you could imagine a large bubble surrounding your entire being, this bubble can be any colour you wish, but visualise negativity bouncing straight off it and again not being able to reach you. Get used to using these techniques and soon you will find yourself doing them almost without thinking. Use them anywhere you will be among people - at work, in the pub, on the bus…
It is also a good idea to carry a crystal with you, most crystals will do the job just fine, but personally I prefer a black crystal such as Obsidian or Tourmaline – these two are particularly well suited to the job at hand, absorbing negative energy and thus protecting you from it - but always trust your instincts and go with whatever you’re drawn to. Just a small tumbled stone is perfectly adequate, you can pop it in your bag or your pocket, don’t be led into thinking you need something fancy and expensive because you really don’t. Don’t forget to cleanse any crystals that you are using regularly.
On the flip side of this you do need to ask the question “am I an Energy Vampire?” We all go through difficult times in our lives and deal with emotional stress, this can leave its mark on us in many ways, including energetically. Our aura can develop holes and dark colours and we may find ourselves seeking light in a bid to heal, but taking from others isn’t the way to do it. Shadow work is important when you’ve been through a difficult time and feel stressed or negative. Take the time to look within and face your own darkness, your own demons, your own fears – you do not want to be the one draining your friends and family and having a negative impact on them. You will also feel better for doing this work, like a burden has lifted. Crystals help during these times of stress and I would definitely recommend one of the Obsidian stones, like Apache Tear, Snowflake Obsidian or just plain black Obsidian, as it will help you to work through the negativity and darkness. I will write more on Shadow Work another time as it is such a beneficial exercise.
To close this blog, I give a little reminder to be aware of your surroundings - if you’re going somewhere that you know will be busy, or have people you’re rather uncomfortable around, then remember your cloak/bubble and crystal. But also choose to spend time with people who will be honest with you and point out when you are coming across as rather negative and value their honesty, they may even be able to help you with your shadow work.