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Tools of the Trade vs dodgy Charlatans!


Updated: Jul 25, 2023

I’d like to talk about spirituality and witchcraft, particularly relating to spell work and manifesting your desires. For me witchcraft and spirituality are two sides of the same coin – I don’t profess to be a witch, I am just a spiritual person who recognizes the benefit of spell work and certain tools. There are so many shops and websites nowadays selling all manner of things that promise to bring you success, to heal you or to help your psychic development – some are indeed useful, but others are just flashy and designed to grab your attention with false promises.

I myself sell spell kits and crystals as I do see the benefit in them and also use them myself, but I won’t make promises that I know will not come true, I will not mislead you into thinking some expensive thing is going to make your life suddenly better – nothing can do that, only you yourself. I have heard so many crazy hard sells in my time and it annoys me because it’s so unethical and surely if you’re offering something spiritual, and I do consider crystals and spells etc to be just that, then it goes without saying that it should be ethical as well? No amount of crystals will guarantee to bring you the love of your life, no candle is completely environmentally friendly, no amount of sage is going to completely clear away all the negativity in your home or life – these things are meant to “help” you, not solve all your problems for you. If you are looking for love then yes there are things you can use to help you, but if you don’t go out and connect with others then you will stay alone. Candles, by virtue of the fact they burn, are not good for the environment, so shouldn’t be used all the time. If you have negative energy in your home then a good smudge may well help and there are crystals that can help too, but it’s often not as simple as that – if you are in a negative environment and feeling stressed then working on yourself is crucial, if it comes from someone you live with then perhaps you need to seriously ask if you want to live like that, or perhaps they just need some help. But if you feel that you have some sort of negative entity in your home then you need someone with experience to come and help clear it – a spiritualist church is a good place to start. Not long ago I heard someone advising that once negative energy had been banished using Sage, you then needed to fill the space with positive energy using something like Frankincense – I personally feel this was nothing more than a clever sales pitch! If you hear someone consciously trying to sell you anything, but especially something that isn’t cheap, then walk away and have a think about it, perhaps do a little research or have a chat with someone you feel you can trust on such matters, please don’t blindly part with your money.

I would also like to touch on readings because nobody has all the answers there either. There are lots of fantastic psychics and mediums, but they can only really offer guidance and the good ones are very honest about that. Please do not go for a reading and expect them to give you all the answers to your problems or tell you when your ship is going to come in, that is unfair on them and on you. Good readers give fantastic guidance and can be a real help in navigating the seas of life – I use cards myself and sometimes have readings with others, but there have never been any flashing neon signs saying “go this way” or “don’t marry them” etc. We are here to learn and to grow and we can’t do that with all the answers can we?

I am probably doing myself something of a disservice here as I sell many “tools” myself, but I believe in being honest and transparent and in giving my advice freely – you can enquire about a kit, a crystal or jewellery and I will happily give you my thoughts at no cost and with absolutely no obligation to buy anything. You are welcome to go away and think about it, to do some research, even come back and discuss it some more and still decide not to buy, because I don’t just want a quick sale – I want to help people first and foremost and hopefully they will in turn help me to grow my business in an ethical and honest way.

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