First written & published 29th June 2020
Recently I have felt something of a crisis of confidence – perhaps I wasn't doing things properly, perhaps I do not follow my beliefs, my path, in the correct way, perhaps I'm not strict enough with myself and do not immerse myself in spirituality enough. I saw others who seemed to be so much more devout, who set up beautiful Altars, used fanciful ingredients in their spells and such like and it made me question my own path and practices. I pondered on this for some time and took a good look at myself – what I actually saw was a woman who believes firmly in her own spirituality, but has a life, with complications, that needs to fit around it and sometimes those complications take priority. That does not make me any less spiritual, it simply makes me human. My beliefs give me the strength to ride the storms and surely that is, in part, their purpose?
Most importantly I do not feel that I need an Altar, at least not full time, and I do not need fancy tools or ingredients because magic, like faith, comes from within. The tools and ingredients I do use are simply there to assist my focus. My spell work is incredibly simple and straightforward – a small candle perhaps, a selection of herbs or flowers sometimes, oils whose aromas are pleasing to my nose. These things act in a similar way to a Vision Board for me – attractive things with meaning and pleasant smells that remind me of what I'm trying to manifest, the purpose of my spell. Personally I do not see how a dozen candles or more could be any more beneficial than just one or two, or how having an expensive cauldron or candle holder will strengthen my spells any – they won't, these things aren't necessary. There is no need to over complicate spell work because the biggest thing that gives your spell power is you! Just as wearing expensive designer clothes does not make you a better person, using expensive tools and ingredients does not make you a better witch!
In the same token there is no need to over complicate spirituality because that too is a deeply individual thing that comes from inside.
I have been reminded not to let my confidence or beliefs waiver simply because I do not think I am doing enough or doing things the right way – we must only do what feels right for us individually and what fits into the chaos of our own lives.
Sometimes we all just need that little reminder – You Are Enough!